Wednesday 6 March 2013

Day 9 = Praying through the news

Having a spare 30 mins while waiting for a meeting, I decided to see what I could do while out and about so grabbed the latest copy of the news and got interceding.

I don't often spend such a long portion of time diligently praying through the news as I tend to shoot up short arrow.prayers whenever I hear or see something that concerns me. This helps my memory and time management I find - both things I struggle with ordinarily!

But I found this focussed prayer time helpful today and my musing brought me to other related topics as well - things family and friends have asked me to pray for recently... So yes, if you're wondering, I prayed for you!

I found this time quite depressing and it brought my spirit down as the news today is largely negative. But it was great to remember that whatever we think or feel, Gods ultimately in control and while the fat lady hasn't sung over many of these situations yet, there is still hope - for them and for us all.

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