Sunday 17 March 2013

Day 32 = A lap a prayer

I was googling ways to pray the other day, and came across a blog an American lady had written who said that she loved swimming, so went every morning to her local swimming baths, and when she was there, she used each lap to pray for one of her children - three laps for each, focussing each time on present needs, thanksgiving or concerns for the future.

Well, I wasn't exactly going to swim multiple lengths for people (I'm not a very strong swimmer and I tend to get ridiculously short of breath easily with my congenital lung condition), but since I was going to spend the day celebrating my anniversary at the local spa with my husband, I would pray for all the members of my immediate (and slightly extended) family as I swam laps. So if you think that in some measure, I might consider you as family, then you can probably be confident that I prayed for you!

The first thing I noticed was that my swimming was much more powerful, quicker and easier. I found I didn't have to stop at the end of each lap (as I usually do - to catch breath) and I was outpacing Lee rather considerably (a never before event)! I found that I really enjoyed the swimming, mainly because I really enjoyed prayer, and I was extremely eager to start subsequent laps, as on previous laps, I had thought of another 'family' member who I wanted to pray for!

I also noticed though that at the end of my swimming 'marathon', I was rather woozy and my arms were really aching (though my heart was rather light). A good way to increase my desire for strenuous non-impact exercise!

I incorporated my surroundings into each prayer as well, if, I had to wait a while for another swimmer, that particular person (whose lap I was praying for) got a bit of extra prayer. If a kid started splashing me and wanted to have a bit of fun, I reciprocated and asked for joy and excitement in the prayer. If the sun beat my eyes, I prayed for protection in the prayer. Etc.

I don't particularly like swimming all that much as I find it extremely wearing, but I enjoyed this time, and really noticed the improvements in my physical body afterwards. I think I'll use prayer in this way each time I go swimming, but will also make time afterwards to enjoy splashing in the water, and focussing on me as well.

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