Thursday 14 March 2013

Day 29 = A Threefold Cord

The more I experiment with ways to pray, looking at ideas and seeing which of these appeal to me most at any particular time, the more I'm aware that my favourite methods involve working with my hands, using different themes, scriptures and ideas, but all with an element of dexterous creativity.

Today's way was no different. Having spent an hour browsing different ways to pray, the one I selected was from my new book, under the chapter 'Praying with Touch' and featured plaiting for half an hour. I used three different coloured strands of wool - pink (symbolic of Jesus and his blood); blue (representing the spirit and the new life we can receive from him through the waters of baptism) and green (of God and his creativity in creating the world).

As I plaited each strand, I meditated on the characteristics and gifts of God as presented to us in the teachings of different persons of him. I also reflected on his calling to us to be more like him, and in what ways we need to embody all who he is and all he stands for. I also took the opportunity to pray for the power to become more like him in and throughout my life.

At the end, I created two similar plaits, and have decided to hang one in my car to remind myself of my prayer time today, and one I am wearing as a foot bangle so that in every step I take today, I may strive to use my talents and experience to be more like God.

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