Saturday 9 March 2013

Day 25 = Praying in Tongues

An extremely controversial method for tonight, as I know many don't believe praying in tongues is real while others assume that it is a gift that all must have to show the spirit's presence in their lives. Some are angry when they hear people talking of praying in tongues (let alone hearing someone use it) whilst others get very excited. I have a complicated view myself, but I know that I find the gift immensely useful for when I can't think of the words to say and when I worry that deep prayer is required for a specific situation.

I used to use it all the time when I was younger, particularly when I was walking along some less than savourable streets in London alone when commuting, though tend to use it less often now, and have rarely used it when I know someone else is listening as I know how off-putting it can be. If anyone is reading my blog in the hope of finding some new methods for prayer, please forgive me for tonight's entry as I know that not all can, nor even should, use tongues as it is not for everyone.

I use it tonight as I could do with the cognitive space I feel praying in tongues gives me to converse with God. And generally, when I start praying in tongues, I'm translating my thoughts into a language I don't know so well, but one with which I can get carried away into a fascinating monologue to God. A bit like someone learning a new and exotic language that captivates them completely, I suppose.

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