Wednesday 6 March 2013

Day 14 = Prayer Gathering

I went to a prayer meeting today, one of those 'traditional' kinds which involve lots of people praying together, sharing concerns and talking about their recent spiritual lives. I used to lead several of these myself, in my various roles of 'Prayer Sec', 'Prayer Co-Ordinator' and 'Prayer Leader'. People also used to ask me to pray for them as they said I was a good pray-er. Whatever that means!

I used to thrive in prayer gatherings, inspiring myself and others to spend a decent amount of time in prayer, and I used to do 'crazy' things like organise prayer pub crawls that would last for others, and involved a solid few hours of spoken prayer for all kinds of things. We even did a prayer outreach once, praying for people who walked past us in the school halls, really freaking them out!

I've found I've changed a bit since I last went to a prayer meeting, and don't find planned praying together as exciting as either spontaneous group prayer, or praying by myself. But it can be helpful to share concerns, to know that others are praying for, and with, you, and that you can support them in this very meaningful way. It also helps to feed ideas off each other, and you're very much aware of the scripture 'where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them'.

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