Wednesday 6 March 2013

Day 22 = Praying the Labyrinth

The labyrinth is a 12th century maze-like path, mixing rituals and visuals, contemplative words and space for reflection. Many people walk a labyrinth slowly whilst considering the deeper meaning in their lives and contemplating their faith journey - past, present and future. There are many ways to pray the labyrinth and it many forms it may take; I chose to use an online labyrinth today (see here) that included all the words, scriptures, points for meditation and activities, and all I had to do was let myself create and follow the spoken mood.

I chose the labyrinth today as many people have asked me if I've used the labyrinth yet when I've told them about my '40 days, 40 ways' journey. I used one a few times at St. Beuno's when I was there on retreat last year, and bought a postcard so I could follow the labyrinth with my finger in prayer, but when I stumbled upon this online labyrinth, I was delighted and decided to use this for my prayers today.

I found the whole process quite therapeutic and stirring. It met me where I was, still contemplating my dream from yesterday and yearning for some more relaxed, engaging forms of prayer that enabled me more space to sit and reflect silently. And it took me on, showing me other sides of some truths with which I am very familiar.

For instance, just as we breathe out the unhelpful things in our lives, others breathe them in, for carbon dioxide is largely a waste product for us, but is essential and very much desired by other living organisms (plants). And whilst our situations and experiences have shaped and moulded us into what we are today, so too have we changed and altered them, leaving our footsteps on their landscapes.

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