Wednesday 6 March 2013

Day 6 = Bible Study

Having said that I don't always use a traditional study of the Bible in my prayer time, I do enjoy studying the scriptures, diving into what they said to the people at the time and exploring what influence they have on my life today and in the future. So following on from yesterday's fictional reading as a point for prayer, I studied the Psalm for today (from my Bible in a year book).

I don't think it's so important to say here what I was reading or what I took from it personally, but suffice it to say, I often enjoy delving into scripture and find it relevant, pertinent and powerful. I love seeing what God had to say to his people in those times, and I particularly enjoy it when God's lined up a certain scripture that I need to hear for that particular day and that specific situation.

This doesn't always happen, and sometimes, reading the Bible can seem a little dull, but I believe it's important to let the spirit lead thoughts, prayers and actions, and to neither take the Bible too somberely nor not sufficiently seriously. Bible study is important, and finding that right balance that allows your soul to soar with the scriptures is essential. Probably a reason why studying the Bible too late at night, or in too much of a rush, doesn't ever seem so fruitful!

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