Wednesday 23 June 2010


Has it ever occurred to you to listen to the rhythmic, constant flapping of a large, modern, country windmill? These new-fangled devices are pretty amazing if you get a chance to see one up-close. The majority of the ones churned out these days have a special device that means that regardless of the weather, the fans rotate at a steady speed in an eternal circulatory motion. Whatever is going on around them, they continue to turn at exactly the same speed without a break.

Makes me wonder about life occasionally. There are those of us who push onwards ever-steady at a continual rush all day every day, regardless of the happenings and events that occur around us. Always the same, always reliably working. Then there are those who are more dependant on the wind factor and direction, who find it impossible to not respond to the social and physical environments we find ourselves in on a daily basis. We simply cannot keep going like windmills, for if we did, we would soon enough hit a stone or area of higher pressure, and clunk out.

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