Wednesday 23 June 2010

A prophetic ministry?

I had a dream this week. I was on holiday in Northern Ireland, visiting a friend. He was late home from work, so I gave him a call to see where he was. This prompted him to leave work immediately, hop on his trusty bike and skeddadle home. His typical commute involves a rapid cycle ride through some hairy junctions, frenetic roundabouts and down fast country roads. On this particular day, he didn't make it home as he was hit by a car and instantaneously killed on a side street leading to one of the A-roads.

It was quite a horrific time for all involved, with the sudden death, lengthy post-mortem and hastily-organised funeral. It was also a terrible dream, with the death of a beloved friend and confidante, realistic visual scenes and resurfacing of many memories of loved-ones lost a short time ago to many who had moved on many moons before. Completely understandable dream, however, as I had just attended a friend's funeral, seen this particular friend, and it was all pressing on my mind.

So I tried to push the thoughts away. But they kept coming back. The feelings and views were so real, so absorbing, so unforgettable. Surely this couldn't be more than a nightmare?

I talked to my friend in the morning. He was alright. He hadn't died. Phewf. Within a few minutes of waking though, my husband called me to say that a close Northern Irish friend of his had died in an unexpected, unforeseen hit and run accident on his bike the night before. A guy on his way home, speeding down little lanes...

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully, the cyclist who lived doesn't have to deal with roundabouts or country lanes on his way home - although one junction was a roundabout 30 years ago. It's straight down an A road.

    I remember the time I crashed into the back of a Peugeot (not mine). I took my then bike to the shop the next day, and the owner took it in. He then went home and went out for a bike ride. Apart from his wife, I was the last person to talk to him, because he was killed on his bike.

    As for prophecy... any excuse you can think of to pray for me, go for it. And do ask God to keep speaking to you, and listen to what he wants you to do with what he tells you.
