Sunday 14 February 2010

A tropical adventure

I had another dream last night. I was on an amazing, action-packed adventure holiday - sailing in azure, crystal-clear waters and zipping through a thick, deep, tropical rainforest on the back of the fastest and most powerful motorbike I've ever seen (or imagined). The road was a windy, dirt path through a gorgeous, sparkling (from the dew) rainforest. The motorbike was driven by the world's expert in motorbikes at almost break-neck speed. There was no need to fear the speed, however, as I knew I could trust implicitly in the driver to get me to the final destination safely and happily, at whatever speed we chose to go.

At times, we drove past long, white sand-dunes. At others, the crystal, calm, blue seas and saw multi-coloured coral shimmering in its waters. Occasionally, we would pass another couple on a motorbike and could chat with them awhile and wave to them. Sometimes, the other couple quickly sped on. Others times, they would slow down, and some would stop to take a break. We could go at whatever speed we chose through the forest. We had one day to pack everything in and the road, for us, was long. Though, for others, they only had a morning or afternoon to use their bike and make their journey. The highlight of the holiday was the bike ride and it was the ride that was the most special part, not the final destination (a boat dock).

To me, this represents life. With God in the driving seat, we can trust Him completely to take us at the right speed through life, with consultation from us. We are safe in His hands, even though that might mean that our particular journey is shorter or through less comfortable terrain, than those of other people. All of our journey is stunning and worth travelling through, though we may not think so at the time. We can go quickly and see more stuff, or more slowly, and savour certain stretches of the journey. We'll slow down at certain times and speed up at others, but it's all to treasure, learn from and remember.

We have one day to make the journey so we need to choose carefully and make the most of the opportunities. Other people may pass us by more quickly than others, or we may see them more sporadically, if they take different routes through the journey. We need to choose our words carefully and make every conversation count - for them, as well as for us. The island is huge - we will all take different paths, make different choices, see different things, spend time with different people, but that is part of the beauty of the holy-day.

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